Legal Disclosure

TUBEX Tubenfabrik Wolfsberg GmbH
Am Industriepark 8
9431 St. Stefan

Tel. No.: +43 (0) 4352/ 37488-0
Fax No.: +43 (0) 4352/ 37488-111

VAT ID: ATU44943503
Company register: FN 171942g
Company register court: Landesgericht Klagenfurt
CEO: Thierry Bitout

Publisher of the website is TUBEX Tubenfabrik Wolfsberg GmbH.

Tubex Tubenfabrik Wolfsberg GmbH aims to keep the published information up to date and correct, but shall not assume any responsibility or liability for the topicality, correctness and completeness of the contents. Tubex Tubenfabrik Wolfsberg GmbH may therefore not be held liable for any damages resulting from the use of the content.


Copyright © 2019 by TUBEX Tubenfabrik Wolfsberg GmbH. All rights reserved. The contents of this website are protected by copyright law. The content of this website may not be reproduced in any form, processed using electronic systems, duplicated or distributed without prior written permission by TUBEX Tubenfabrik Wolfsberg GmbH.

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This website contains links to external websites on whose contents we have no influence. We can therefore not assume any warranty for these external contents. The respective supplier or operator of the websites is always responsible for the contents of the linked websites. The information published there also do not reflect the opinion of TUBEX Tubenfabrik Wolfsberg GmbH.

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